Monday, August 19, 2019

After Crane Beach in Ipswich, MA, we spent a few days anchored off of Hampton Beach. It was fun to explore the area and we even got an opportunity to sit down for dinner one night. The break waves on the shore of Hampton Beach are no joke, we had a ton of fun rowing back out to the boat to say the least.

We then continued onto the Isles of Shoals where there is a seasonal hotel and plenty of wild berries. The islands are mostly overgrown and inhabited by birds, the views are amazing!

On our way into the Piscataqua river, we crossed routes with USCG tallship ‘Eagle’. It was really cool to see and all of the Portsmouth/Kittery harbor boats came out to see it. We grabbed a mooring on the Kittery side of the river and stayed for a few days. My parents came up to visit us for a day, we had a picnic and explored the area. When they left, we sent Brik home with them. He is older and too stubborn for the boat life. Fireworks scare him to the point that he shuts down and he was just seemingly unhappy.

Next, we grabbed a mooring in York harbor for a few days while we waited out a few days of storms. We found a nice path out in the woods where Luna was happy to run amuck.

Cape Porpoise was our next stop, there is an anchorage area that is incredibly sheltered and unaffected by the tidal currents. We stayed for a night before sailing to Saco.

We’ve been on a free mooring in the Saco river for a little over a week now. My sister, Amy, came to stay with us for a few days when we got here. She took us out to eat, we went bar hopping and even stayed in a cabin one night. We had a ton of fun and we’re happy to spend some time with Brik.

The last few days have been muggy and foggy but we are getting ready to set sail this morning and make our way to Portland!